The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has been around for almost two centuries. It has ebbed and fluctuated in such a predictably adaptive manner throughout it's relatively short life in the religious realm. This Church has a very sordid past, which it does a very good job of teaching for itself, whether the history is slanted or not, is yours to decide. Join me on a journey through the history of the LDS Church through the eyes of the people that were actually there. We will learn about the founding members, where the practices came from, where the Book of Mormon (Mormon Bible) came from, and most importantly, we will examine Joseph Smith in every aspect possibly available to us today.
On this episode, we sit down with author/historian D. Michael Quinn to hear his biographical sketch. We begin with how he came to fall in love with information and history then hear how he came into contact with "anti-Mormon propaganda," only to find out it was true. Then he takes us on a journey through his education and career in Mormon history working in the office of Leonard J. Arrington and then becoming employed by BYU as a professor.
This is part 1 of a 2-part interview with Dr. Quinn.
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Music by Jason Comeau
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Direct download: NM_153_normie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

On this episode, Dr. Quinn picks up right where we left off in part 1. Mike tells us about his disagreements with the general direction of BYU Mormon History academia. New Mormon History is born as the Church Historian's Archives are opened and a new influx of independent researchers get their eyes on crucial previously-censored documents. Mark Hoffman shaped the realm of Mormon history while the feminizing of the academic field begins to gain serious traction. Quinn publishes articles and reviews in support of the scholarship coming from women's groups concerning women holding the priesthood and then writes his seminal Early Mormonism and the Magic World View. He tenders his resignation then goes into hiding from church authority to evade excommunication. Finally, Women and Authority is published which was plutonium to many scholars who were somehow involved, including Quinn. 5 excommunications and 1 disfellowshipping go down in infamy as the "September Six".
Please support Quinn's scholarship by purchasing his books from these fine retailers:
Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth-Century Americans
Show Links:
Twitter @NakedMormonism
Music by Jason Comeau
Show Artwork
Legal Counsel
Direct download: NM_153.5_Normie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT